Going Beyond the Music


In attempting to reconstruct the local folk music culture, it is absolutely imperative to understand the community’s emotional connection with their musical tradition. When urged to describe the experience beyond the music, Bert LaBoone, a lifetime resident of Pickens County, laughed and shared a candid, old saying that circulated throughout his music career, “It's just three chords and the truth”. He furthers the idea by admitting that while playing the three chords comes easily, it’s the truth telling that gives the music meaning and value. Going beyond the surface of chords, notes and lyrics, LaBoone designates the word “storytelling” to the music, articulating that this storytelling element is how people understand each other and worship together. “It goes to my bones,” remarks Snow, indicating that the local sounds break the surface of the listening ear. The music again transcends the biological reception of music for those participating. Participants do not just create music, they create truth, a story, a method of worship and fellowship. The Upstate folk music community, therefore, is less concerned with competition and perfection of the music, and instead venerates the memories, connections, and traditions that folk music brings to the community.