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  • Collection: Clemson University Drinking Culture Collection

A picture of Clemson's WaterDrop organization's logo.

Patrick Leake Interview .mp3
Audio of interview with Patrick Leake

Drinking Safety.jpg
A reminder of drinking safety located on the campus

Kyle Burke Interview  .mp3
Interview with Kyle Burke

Drinking Safety 2.jpg
Photo of drinking warning.

Pearse Tormey Interview .mp3
Interview with Pearse Tormey

Tailgate Drinking Photo.png
This column and accompanying photos from the Clemson University TAPS Yearbook discuss tailgating at the college and the importance of alcohol at these events coupled with tailgate food. The article seems to be written in order to emphasize how…

Edgar's Bar Photo.png
TAPS Yearbook column on the amenities provided to students who visited Edgar's Bar to drink and socialize.

Edgar's Bar Socializing Photo.png
Photograph of students drinking together at the popular on-campus Edgar's Bar.
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